Who is Jesus?

Jesus Himself asked that question. Jesus asked His disciples “Who do people say I am?” The disciples answered, " Some say you are John the Baptist, some say Elijah, and other say Jeremiah, or one of the prophets." Then Jesus asked His disciples, “Who do you say I am?” Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Then Jesus said, “Blessed are you Simon Peter; for no man told you this, but my Father which is in heaven.”

People today also have their own answer to that question. But how can people really answer the question, unless they have read about Him. We hope this site will help you to find the answer to the question, “Who is Jesus?”

Friday, December 21, 2012

Jesus Is Our High Priest

This lesson is taken from Hebrew 4:14- 5:10

Did you know that you have a great High Priest in heaven? Well, you do and His name is Jesus Christ, and He is the Son of God. You should hold firmly to Jesus and never stop trusting Him.Hold firmly means to never let go of your belief in Jesus. Jesus, your high priest understands your lack of willpower and how easily you can fall into temptation. For Jesus was faced with all the same temptations that you have. Yet, Jesus had no sin.

When you pray you are to come boldly to the throne of God. How to you come boldly to the throne of God? Let's see when you are praying to God, talk to Him as you would to your best friend, for that is what He is. He is your best friend and your counselor. When you pray this way to God you will receive His mercy and you will find grace to help you when you need it.

Now, let's find out what a high priest is. A earthly high priest is a man that has been chosen to speak and act for other people when they want to talk to God. Long ago, the earthly high priest is the one who offers the people's gifts to God and also offers the people sacrifices, to God for the people's sins. And because the earthly high priest is only a man, he is able to treat the people with kindness, even though the people only know just a little about God, and they are going off the right path that leads to God. But, you see the earthly high priest has the same problems that the people have. That is why the earthly high priest has to offer sacrifices, for the peoples sins and for his own sins as well.

Did you know that no one can become a high priest just because he wants to be a high priest? A person has to be called by God in order to have the honor to become a high priest. This is just like when God called Aaron, Moses brother, to be a high priest.

That is why when Jesus Christ was here on earth He didn't make His self a high priest. He waited on God. For Jesus was chosen by God. For God said to Jesus, “You are my Son, today I have become your Father.” And in another place God said to Jesus, “You are a priest forever in the line of Melchizedek.” You may ask, “Who is Melchizedek?” we will learn about him in the next lesson.

While Jesus was here on earth, He offered up prayers to God, and He pleaded with a loud voice, with tears falling from His eyes, to God. God was the one who could save Him from having to die on the cross. God heard Jesus' prayers because He had deep respect and love for God, His Father. But, Jesus obeyed God, and He suffered much for us, the beating and nailed on a cross. Jesus was perfect for He didn't have any sin. Jesus is the only way to have eternal salvation, for all who believe in Him and obey Him. Remember, God made Jesus a High Priest in the line of Melchizedek, and He is your High Priest in heaven, when you come to Him.

Fill in the Blanks with the correct word:
   Jesus Christ

Eternal Salvation

  1. Our great High Priest in heaven is ____________ ____________
  2. Jesus is the Son of ____________
  3. You should hold firmly to Jesus and never stop _______________ Him.
  4. Jesus, your High Priest understands your lack of ______________ and how easily you can fall into ______________
  5. Jesus faced all of the same _____________________ that you have.
  6. Jesus had no __________
  7. Jesus was ______________ by God
  8. God told Jesus “You are a ____________ forever”
  9. Jesus is a priest in the line of ___________________
  10. While Jesus was here on earth, He offered up ____________ and pleading
  11. Jesus prayed with a loud _____________ and with tears ______________ from His eyes.
  12. The one who could save Jesus from death was _____________
  13. God heard Jesus' prayers because of Jesus' deep respect and __________ for God, His Father.
  14. Jesus _____________ God.
  15. Jesus is the only way to have ____________ ___________ for all who believe in Him and obeyed Him.

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